
Verification is the process of determining whether the information in a verifiable credential is accurate, authentic and confirmed by a recognised issuer.

Verification includes the following checks:

  • Issuer DID can be resolved, so that the referenced DID Document is available and valid and the public key is obtainable.

  • The credential proof method is satisfied.

  • The credential conforms to a referenced specification (when applicable).

  • The credential status is valid (when applicable).

It is important to note that verifying a credential does not evaluate the truth of the claims encoded in the credential. Rather, verification only confirms that these are the same claims signed by the issuer, meaning the credential hasn't been tampered with.

You can use different MATTR VII and MATTR Pi capabilities to verify credentials:

  • Direct verification: Use dedicated MATTR VII endpoints to make a direct API call to verify a credential enclosed in the request body. Direct verification is available for Web Credentials, Compact and Compact Semantic Credentials.

  • Presentation based verification: Use MATTR VII to create a presentation template, which details the information you wish to verify. Then, use this template to create a specific verification request from a specific holder. Presentation based verification is currently only available for Web Credentials.

  • SDK verification: Use our MATTR Pi verifier SDKs to build verification capabilities into your apps. SDK verification is currently available for Compact or Compact Semantic Credentials and Mobile Credentials.

The following table summarises available verification methods for each credential profile: