Resolve a did:web document

MATTR VII can resolve hosted did:webs by retrieving their hosted DID document.


Make the following request to retrieve a :

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1GET https://YOUR_TENANT_URL/v1/dids/


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2    "didDocument": {
3        "@context": [
4            "",
5            "",
6            "",
7            ""
8        ],
9        "id": "",
10        "verificationMethod": [
11            {
12                "id": "",
13                "controller": "",
14                "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
15                "publicKeyBase58": "CfZMD88eohsizC7XwamxwNVFuQaowN3fpNRW6rBjBEMy"
16            }
17        ],
18        "authentication": [
19            ""
20        ],
21        "assertionMethod": [
22            ""
23        ],
24        "capabilityDelegation": [
25            ""
26        ],
27        "capabilityInvocation": [
28            ""
29        ],
30        "keyAgreement": [
31            {
32                "id": "",
33                "controller": "",
34                "type": "X25519KeyAgreementKey2019",
35                "publicKeyBase58": "6FstRAzj71Yb2BYGy62uMFA6G4vcAkvRTnqQ7sherD9x"
36            }
37        ]
38    },
39    "registrationStatus": "COMPLETED",
40    "localMetadata": {
41        "keys": [
42            {
43                "didDocumentKeyId": "",
44                "kmsKeyId": "CfZMD88eohsizC7XwamxwNVFuQaowN3fpNRW6rBjBEMy"
45            },
46            {
47                "didDocumentKeyId": "",
48                "kmsKeyId": "6FstRAzj71Yb2BYGy62uMFA6G4vcAkvRTnqQ7sherD9x"
49            }
50        ],
51        "registered": 1600731355153,
52        "initialDidDocument": {
53            "@context": [
54                "",
55                "",
56                "",
57                ""
58            ],
59            "id": "",
60            "verificationMethod": [
61                {
62                    "id": "",
63                    "controller": "",
64                    "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
65                    "publicKeyBase58": "CfZMD88eohsizC7XwamxwNVFuQaowN3fpNRW6rBjBEMy"
66                }
67            ],
68            "authentication": [
69                ""
70            ],
71            "assertionMethod": [
72                ""
73            ],
74            "capabilityDelegation": [
75                ""
76            ],
77            "capabilityInvocation": [
78                ""
79            ],
80            "keyAgreement": [
81                {
82                    "id": "",
83                    "controller": "",
84                    "type": "X25519KeyAgreementKey2019",
85                    "publicKeyBase58": "6FstRAzj71Yb2BYGy62uMFA6G4vcAkvRTnqQ7sherD9x"
86                }
87            ]
88        }
89    }

The tenant can prove ownership of the keys associated with the did:web DID Document through the well-known endpoint The fact that the DID Document is hosted on the domain links it to the DID.

Resolving DID:web from custom domains

If the DID document is hosted on a custom domain like, the domain should be prefixed with https:// and suffixed with /.well-known/did.json:

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