Supported features

Supported ISO/IEC 18013-5 Features

Below is a summary of ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 features supported by the Android mDoc Holder SDK:

FeatureSupported optionsDefault
Device engagementQR codeQR code
Device retrieval data transportBLE with either mDocPeripheralServer or mDocCentralClient modeBLE with mDocPeripheralServer
Ephemeral session key curveAny NIST P-* keysP-256 key using secure enclave
Device authentication modeDigital Signature or ECDH-agreed MACDigital Signature with a P-256 key using secure enclave

Supported ISO/IEC 18013-7 Features

Below is a summary of ISO/IEC 18013-7:2024 features supported by the Android mDoc Holder SDK:

FeatureOptions SupportedDefault Option Selected
Data Retrieval methodsOID4VPOID4VP
Wallet InvocationCustom URL and QR Code-basedBoth
MDoc Reader validationStored verifier certificates, client Metadata retrievalBoth
Authorization Response EncryptionECDH in Direct Key Agreement modeECDH in Direct Key Agreement mode
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