GuidesCreate a VICAL

How to create a VICAL

Ecosystem policies configure roles and permissions that apply to participants within the Ecosystem. For example, participant X can act as an issuer and issue valid credentials of type X, Y and Z.

Ecosystems have separate policies for issuers and verifiers.

MATTR VII capabilities enable ecosystem operators to create a VICAL from the ecosystem issuer’s policy. The VICAL includes all the participants and credential types included in the issuer’s policy, excluding any participants identified by IACAs that are expired or inactive.

Once created, the VICAL can be retrieved by relying parties and embedded in their verification workflows.

Creating a VICAL


Make a request of the following structure to create a VICAL:

POST /v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/vicals
  • ecosystemId : Policies are created within a specific ecosystem. Use the ecosystem unique id obtained when you created the ecosystem.


The response includes the details of the created object:

    "vicalIssueID": "12",
    "date": "2024-07-28T23:01:13.000Z"
  • vicalIssueID : Unique identifier of this created VICAL. This can be used by relying parties to retrieve this specific version.
  • date : VICAL creation time and date.