Roles and Permissions
This page details available MATTR VII roles and the inclusive list of endpoints each role can access.
Table of Contents
Path | Methods |
/v1/analytics/events | GET |
/v1/analytics/event-types | GET |
/v1/claim-sources | POST, GET |
/v1/claim-sources/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/config/domain | POST, GET, DELETE, PUT |
/v1/config/domain/verify | POST |
/v1/config/domain/invalidate | POST |
/v1/config/ecosystems | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/apple | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/apple/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/apple/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/google | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/google/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/google/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/pdf/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/pdf/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/qrcode | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/pdf | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/{id} | DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/{id}/revocation-status | GET, POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/{id} | DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/apple | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/apple/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/apple/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/google | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/google/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/google/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/pdf/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/pdf/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/{id}/revocation-status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/pdf | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/qrcode | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/{credentialId} | DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/{credentialId}/status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/document-signers | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/document-signers/{documentSignerId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/iacas | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/iacas/{iacaId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists | GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists/{statusListsId} | GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists/configurations/{statusListConfigurationId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-list-signers | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-list-signers/{statusListSignerId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/trusted-issuers | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/trusted-issuers/{trustedIssuerId} | GET, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic | GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/{id} | GET, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/{id}/revocation-status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/{id}/revocation-status/notification | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/linked-data/convert | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/requests | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/requests/{id} | GET, DELETE |
/v1/dids | POST, GET |
/v1/dids/{did} | GET, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems | POST, GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/credentials | POST, GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/credentials/{credentialId} | GET, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants | POST, GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/credentials | GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/policies | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/issuer/credentials | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/issuer/credentials/{credentialId} | DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/verifier/credentials | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/verifier/credentials/{credentialId} | DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/vicals/configuration | PUT, GET, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/vicals | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/preview | GET |
/v1/ecosystems/sync | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/issuer-validation | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/verifier-validation | POST |
/v1/messaging/inboxes | POST, GET |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/dids | POST, GET |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/dids/:did | DELETE |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/messages | GET |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/messages/:messageId | GET, DELETE |
/v1/messaging/sign | POST |
/v1/messaging/verify | POST |
/v1/messaging/encrypt | POST |
/v1/messaging/decrypt | POST |
/v1/messaging/send | POST |
/ext/oidc/v1/issuers | POST, GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/issuers/{issuerId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/ext/oidc/v1/issuers/{issuerId}/clients | POST, GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/issuers/{issuerId}/clients/{clientId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/ext/oidc/v1/issuers/{issuerId}/offers | POST |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers | POST, GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers/{verifierId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers/{verifierId}/clients | POST, GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers/{verifierId}/clients/{clientId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/openid/configuration | PUT, GET |
/v1/openid/offers | POST |
/v2/presentations/configuration | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/certificates/ca | POST, GET |
/v2/presentations/certificates/ca/:certificateId | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/wallet-providers | POST, GET |
/v2/presentations/wallet-providers/:walletProviderId | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/applications | POST, GET |
/v2/presentations/applications/:verifierApplicationId | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/sessions/:sessionId/result | GET |
/v1/users/authentication-providers | POST, GET |
/v1/users/authentication-providers/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/users | POST, GET |
/v1/users/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/users/search | POST |
/v1/users/{id}/credentials | GET |
/v2/wallet/app-associations | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/webhooks | POST, GET |
/v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
Path | Methods |
/v1/config/domain | POST, GET, DELETE, PUT |
/v1/config/domain/verify | POST |
/v1/config/domain/invalidate | POST |
/v1/dids | POST, GET |
/v1/dids/{did} | GET, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/iacas | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/iacas/{iacaId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/webhooks | POST, GET |
/v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/users/authentication-providers | POST, GET |
/v1/users/authentication-providers/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/claim-sources | POST, GET |
/v1/claim-sources/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/openid/configuration | PUT, GET |
/v1/openid/offers | POST |
/v1/users | POST, GET |
/v1/users/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/users/search | POST |
/v1/users/{id}/credentials | GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/qrcode | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/pdf | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/apple | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/google | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/qrcode | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/pdf | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/apple | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/google | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/sign | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/configurations/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/{id} | DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/{id}/revocation-status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/{id} | DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/{id}/revocation-status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic | GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/{id} | GET, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/{id}/revocation-status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/{id}/revocation-status/notification | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/{credentialId} | DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/{credentialId}/status | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists/configurations | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists/configurations/{statusListConfigurationId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists | GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/status-lists/{statusListsId} | GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/pdf/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/pdf/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/apple/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/apple/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/google/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact/digital-pass/google/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/pdf/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/pdf/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/apple/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/apple/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/google/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/digital-pass/google/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/messaging/sign | POST |
/v1/messaging/verify | POST |
/v1/messaging/encrypt | POST |
/v1/messaging/decrypt | POST |
/v1/messaging/send | POST |
/v1/messaging/inboxes | POST, GET |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/dids | POST, GET |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/dids/:did | DELETE |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/messages | GET |
/v1/messaging/inboxes/{id}/messages/:messageId | GET, DELETE |
Path | Methods |
/v1/config/domain | POST, GET, DELETE, PUT |
/v1/config/domain/verify | POST |
/v1/config/domain/invalidate | POST |
/v1/dids | POST, GET |
/v1/dids/{did} | GET, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/compact/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/compact-semantic/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/templates | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/templates/{id} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/requests | POST |
/v2/credentials/web-semantic/presentations/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/verify | POST |
/v2/credentials/mobile/trusted-issuers | POST, GET |
/v2/credentials/mobile/trusted-issuers/{trustedIssuerId} | GET, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/certificates/ca | POST, GET |
/v2/presentations/certificates/ca/:certificateId | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/applications | POST, GET |
/v2/presentations/applications/:verifierApplicationId | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/wallet-providers | POST, GET |
/v2/presentations/wallet-providers/:walletProviderId | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v2/presentations/sessions/:sessionId/result | GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers | POST, GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers/{verifierId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers/{verifierId}/clients | POST, GET |
/ext/oidc/v1/verifiers/{verifierId}/clients/{clientId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
Path | Methods |
/v1/config/domain | POST, GET, DELETE, PUT |
/v1/config/domain/verify | POST |
/v1/config/domain/invalidate | POST |
/v1/dids | POST, GET |
/v1/dids/{did} | GET, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems | POST, GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/credentials | POST, GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/credentials/{credentialId} | GET, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants | POST, GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId} | GET, PUT, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/credentials | GET |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/policies | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/issuer/credentials | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/issuer/credentials/{credentialId} | DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/verifier/credentials | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants/{participantId}/verifier/credentials/{credentialId} | DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/vicals/configuration | PUT, GET, DELETE |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/vicals | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/preview | GET |
/v1/ecosystems/sync | POST |
Path | Methods |
/v1/ecosystems/issuer-validation | POST |
/v1/ecosystems/verifier-validation | POST |
/v1/config/ecosystems | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
Path | Methods |
/v1/analytics/events | GET |
/v1/analytics/event-types | GET |