ChangelogMATTR Pi

MATTR Pi Changelog

Native SDKs release

5 Feb 2025

We have released new versions of the following native SDKs:

Android mDocs Holder SDK v2.0.0

  • The statusInfo property is no longer returned as part of verification results.
  • Authorization requests for online presentation workflows must now include the client_id as a subject alternative name record.
  • Refer to the SDK Docs change log for a complete description of new capabilities and breaking changes.

Android mDocs Verifier SDK v2.0.0

  • The statusInfo property is no longer returned as part of verification results.
  • The getTrustedIssuerCertificates function now computes the TrustedCertificate.verificationResult as well.
  • Improved performance of addTrustedIssuerCertificates when adding certificates with revocation lists.
  • Refer to the SDK Docs change log for a complete description of new capabilities and breaking changes.

iOS mDocs Holder SDK v2.0.0

  • The minimum deployment target is now set to iOS 13. This enables clients to support users up to iOS 13, as long as the SDK is not initialized (The SDK functionality is only available for devices from iOS 15 onwards).
  • The statusInfo property is no longer returned as part of verification results.
  • Authorization requests for online presentation workflows must now include the client_id as a subject alternative name record.
  • Refined error messages in the createProximityPresentationSession API.
  • Refer to the SDK Docs change log for a complete description of new capabilities and breaking changes.

iOS mDocs Verifier SDK v2.0.0

  • The minimum deployment target is now set to iOS 13. This enables clients to support users up to iOS 13, as long as the SDK is not initialized (The SDK functionality is only available for devices from iOS 15 onwards).
  • The statusInfo property is no longer returned as part of verification results.
  • The getTrustedIssuerCertificates function now computes the TrustedCertificate.verificationResult as well.
  • Refined error messages in the createProximityPresentationSession API.
  • Downloading status lists is now rate limited at 10 requests per second.
  • Refer to the SDK Docs change log

Improved React Native SDKs compatibility with older iOS versions

5 Feb 2025

We have released new versions of the following React Native SDKs:

React Native Holder SDK v10.0.0

  • Applications embedding the SDK can now run on iOS 13 without crashing, as long as the SDK is not initialized (the SDK features still require iOS 15 or later).
  • Removed statusInfo from mobile credential presentation responses.
  • Refer to the SDK Docs change log for a complete description of new capabilities and breaking changes.

React Native Verifier SDK v6.0.0

  • Applications embedding the SDK can now run on iOS 13 without crashing, as long as the SDK is not initialized (the SDK features still require iOS 15 or later).
  • Refer to the SDK Docs change log for a complete description of new capabilities and breaking changes.

React Native mDocs Verifier SDK v6.0.0

  • Applications embedding the SDK can now run on iOS 13 without crashing, as long as the SDK is not initialized (the SDK features still require iOS 15 or later).
  • Removed statusInfo from mobile credential presentation responses.
  • SDK Docs change log for a complete description of new capabilities and breaking changes.

React Native SDKs now support mDocs revocation as well as using holder and verifier SDKs in a single application

5 Feb 2025

We have released new versions of the following React Native SDKs:

React Native Holder SDK v9.0.0

React Native Verifier SDK v5.0.0

React Native mDocs Verifier SDK v5.0.0

Android mDocs SDKs now support using mDocs Holder and Verifier SDKs in a single application

13 Jan 2025

We have released new versions of the following Android SDKs:

Android mDocs Holder SDK v1.1.0

Android mDocs Verifier SDK v1.1.0

Support for multiple verifier applications in the Verifier Web SDK

8 Jan 2025

This release (v1.1.0) of the Verifier Web SDK introduces support for multiple verifier applications interacting with a single MATTR VII tenant to perform online verification of mDocs.

To support this feature, the SDK can now be initialized with an applicationId to indicate to the MATTR VII tenant what application the request is coming from.

Refer to the SDK Docs changelog for more information.

Revocation and online presentation now available in first GA release of native mDocs Holder and Verifier SDKs

2 Dec 2024

We have released the first General Availability (GA) version of our iOS and Android mDocs Holder and Verifier SDKs. Built around the most recent standards and best practices, these SDKs offer tools to assist developers integrating credential holding, presentation and verification capabilities into their native applications.

Holder SDKs key features

Both the iOS (v1.0.1) and Android (v1.0.1) mDocs Holder SDKs support a similar set of capabilities:

Refer to the following pages for more information:

Verifier SDKs key features

Both the iOS (v1.0.1) and Android (v1.0.0) mDocs Verifier SDKs support a similar set of capabilities:

  • Verify an mDoc:

    • Request and verify mDocs via a proximity presentation workflow as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.
    • Manage a list of trusted issuer certificates which presented mDocs can be validated against.
    • Manage a list of mDocs status lists which is used to check the revocation status.

Refer to the following pages for more information:

To get started with any of these SDKs, please contact us so we can work together to find the best solution for you.

New versions of React Native SDKs

15 Nov 2024

We have released new versions of the following SDKs:

React Native Holder SDK

This new major version (v8.0.0) introduces the following changes:

  • Introduced support for online presentation of mDocs via OID4VP as per ISO/IEC 18013-7:2024.
  • Replacing Realm database with a custom storage system for all mDocs data.
  • Various enhancements and refinements to existing SDK methods.
  • Minimum supported React Native version is now v0.73.

Refer to the SDK Docs changelog for a detailed description of the changes.

React Native Verifier SDK

This new major version (v4.0.0) introduces the following changes:

  • Replacing Realm database with a custom storage system for all mDocs data.
  • Various enhancements and refinements to existing SDK methods.
  • Minimum supported React Native version is now v0.73.

Refer to the SDK Docs changelog for a detailed description of the changes.

React Native mDocs Verifier SDK

This new major version (v4.0.0) introduces the following changes:

  • Replacing Realm database with a custom storage system for all mDocs data.
  • Various enhancements and refinements to existing SDK methods.
  • Minimum supported React Native version is now v0.73.

Refer to the SDK Docs changelog for a detailed description of the changes.

Terminology updates across MATTR platforms

15 Oct 2024

To make it easier to consume our capabilities, we have made some changes to our terminology to describe credentials supported by MATTR platforms by their underlying technology and standards. The following credential formats are supported:

New Verifier Web SDK enables online verification of Mobile Credentials

1 Oct 2024

Our new Verifier Web SDK (v1.0.0) is now available, integrating with an existing MATTR VII tenant to easily add online verification capabilities into your web applications. Using this SDK your web applications can now securely verify Mobile Credentials presented via both same-device and cross-device flows, as per ISO/IEC 18013-7 and OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP).


Additional information

Refined error handling and extended features in the React Native Mobile Credential Verifier SDK

17 Sep 2024

A new major version (v3.0.0) of the React Native Mobile Credential Verifier SDK is now available, offering refined error handling, extended features and several bug fixes.

Breaking changes

  • The createProximityPresentationSession method now returns the MobileCredentialVerifierErrorType.BluetoothDisabled error when Bluetooth is powered off.
  • The sendProximityPresentationRequest method now returns the MobileCredentialVerifierErrorType.SessionTerminated error when the current proximity presentation session is terminated.
  • The onSessionTerminated callback function for createProximityPresentationSession method can now be invoked with the ProximityPresentationSessionTerminationError.ResponseNotReceived error when a Mobile Credential response was not received from holder.


The SDK now supports:

  • Additional extended key usage in a document signer certificate.
  • Clock skew tolerance during verification.
  • React Native 0.72.14.

Bug Fixes

  • To mitigate a potential race condition issue, we have improved the process of generating new encryption keys.

iOS specific

  • Fixed an issue where Bluetooth sessions might have been terminated before data exchange was completed. This could have occurred when the developer terminates the session after receiving a single response, but that response doesn’t include all the required data. This might happen on devices with lower data transmission speed or when the response size is too big.

Android specific

  • Fixed an issue where the SDK was unable to handle Mobile Credential presentation responses with floating point claims.

Support for React Native 0.72.14 and local secure store in the React Native Verifier SDK

17 Sep 2024

A new minor version (v3.1.0) of the React Native Verifier SDK is now available, introducing support for React Native 0.72.14 as well as local secure store implementation.


The SDK now supports:

  • React Native 0.72.14.
  • Local secure store implementation. Peer dependency react-native-secure-key-store is no longer required, but you must include @mattrglobal/react-native-cryptography@2.0.0 in your application dependencies.

Improved encryption key generation in the React Native Wallet SDK

9 Aug 2024

The new version (v7.0.1) of our React Native Wallet SDK is now available, improving the process of generating new encryption keys to mitigate a potential race condition issue.

Note that when consuming this new version of the SDK, you must upgrade your application dependencies to include @mattrglobal/react-native-cryptography@2.0.0.

Refer to our SDK Docs page to start using any of our MATTR Pi SDKs, and to the MATTR Pi React Native Wallet SDK Docs for detailed description of the new features and changes included in this release.

Enhanced security in the MATTR Pi Wallet SDK

20 Jun 2024

The latest version (v7.0.0) of our MATTR Pi Wallet SDK is out, providing default configurations that enhance security around JSON-LD contexts.

Breaking Changes

  • Unknown JSON-LD contexts are now invalid by default.
  • In-line JSON-LD contexts definitions are now disabled by default.

When using the default configuration, you must now manually whitelist any referenced JSON-LD contexts, and remove any in-line JSON-LD context definitions.

Key Features

  • Introducing support for React Native (RN) 0.72.0.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Refer to our SDK Docs page to start using any of our MATTR Pi SDKs, and to the MATTR Pi Wallet SDK Docs for detailed description of the new features and changes included in this release.

New capabilities in the MATTR Pi Verifier SDK

5 April 2024

The latest version (v3.0.0) of our MATTR Pi Verifier SDK is out, making more capabilities available for developers to build into their applications.

Key Features

  • Introducing Mobile Credentials capabilities via an extension:
    • Manage a list of trusted issuer certificates which presented Mobile Credentials can be validated against.
    • Interface with a Mobile Credential holder to request presentations of issued Mobile Credentials as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.
    • Verify incoming Mobile Credentials presentations.
  • Introducing Ecosystem capabilities via an extension:
    • Confirm the verified credential is valid in the ecosystem.
    • Confirm the verified credential was issued by a valid ecosystem issuer.

Breaking changes

  • Two initialization parameters have been renamed to maintain consistency across credential profiles (without affecting their functionality):
    • The assertNotBefore parameter has been renamed to assertValidFrom.
    • The assertExpiry parameter has been renamed to assertValidUntil.

Refer to our SDK Docs to start using any of our MATTR Pi SDKs, and to the MATTR Pi Verifier SDK Docs for detailed description of the new features and changes included in this release.

New functionalities and improved error handling in the MATTR Pi Wallet SDK

31 January 2024

We are releasing a new version (v5.0.0) of our MATTR Pi Wallet SDK.

Key features

  • Introducing Android support for Mobile Credentials capabilities via the @mattrglobal/mobile-credential-holder-react-native extension integration. Supported on both iOS and Android.
  • Introducing support for Ecosystem capabilities via the @mattrglobal/ecosystem-sdk-react-native extension integration.
  • Remote DID document and context resolution is now cached to prevent unnecessary requests and improve overall performance.
  • Bug fixes and overall performance enhancements. Refer to the SDK Docs change log for more details.

Breaking changes

This release introduces several changes to error handling that should be handled as breaking changes. Refer to the SDK Docs change log for a complete description of the new errors and how they might affect your implementation.

Enhancements and new features across MATTR platforms

7 July 2023

We’re excited to announce the following updates and new features across our MATTR platforms:

  • You can now issue Compact Credentials using the OpenID Credential Provisioning flow. This includes using all the features that this flow enables, such as integration hooks, claims source integration and multi-credential issuance for Compact Credentials.
  • We’ve enabled the MATTR Pi Wallet Toolkit with the capability to retrieve and hold Compact Credentials.
  • We now support multiple key types within a single DID, which means you can issue credentials in multiple Credential Profiles using the same DID.

Introducing MATTR Pi: Our flexible tools for creating apps your users will love

22 February 2023

We are excited to announce the official launch of MATTR Pi - our SDK-centric platform encompassing toolkits with the flexibility to build solutions that work for you.

Whilst pi (π) is a mathematical constant, its decimals are infinite. All MATTR Pi toolkits have our rigorous commitment to international standards and leading security practices baked in, but they equip you with the limitless potential to create value in this new world of digital trust.

The foundations of MATTR Pi, available now, are the MATTR Pi Wallet Toolkit and the MATTR Pi Compact Credentials Verifier Toolkit.

  • The Wallet Toolkit includes all you need to get started creating your own digital wallet experiences quickly.
  • The Compact Credentials Verifier Toolkit lets you easily integrate verification capabilities into any existing or new application.

Find out how to start using our SDKs.

Interested in creating a verifier or wallet solution and not sure where to start? Get in touch with us today to discuss the best option for your business.

Compact Credential Verifier SDK

07 July 2022

We’ve transformed our Credential Verification capabilities to support the wider platform by making it work on your own mobile experience or integrating them into other types of your applications. Utilizing our SDK will significantly reduce your development time while ensuring you are leveraging safe and reliable code libraries.

The following capabilities & benefits are provided in the Verifier SDK:

  • Build your own Compact Credential verification solution into existing applications using the same tools as the MATTR Verifier App.
  • Validate Compact and Semantic Compact Credentials’ authenticity.
  • Offline verification of your trusted credentials.
  • Refresh cached revocation lists and trusted issuers.
  • Privacy-preserving features.
  • Ongoing support for fast-evolving standards of digital trust and verifiable data.
  • Create both iOS and Android apps using the same codebase.

Interested in learning more about how you might use the MATTR Verifier SDK? Get in touch with us today.