Credential to OIDC claims mapping

As described in the guide to setup an OIDC Credential Verifier, claims from JSON-LD terms in the credential need to be mapped to OIDC Claims used in the ID Token.

Below is a list of the standard OIDC claims (opens in a new tab) and their JSON-LD equivalent terms from These mappings can be copy and pasted into the payload when setting up an OIDC Credential Verifier.

 "claimMappings": [
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "given_name"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "family_name"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "name"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "nickname"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "picture"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "profile"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "email"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "gender"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "birthdate"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "locale"
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": "phone_number"

The OIDC Bridge only maps credential terms to strings in the OIDC ID Token, therefore the default OIDC Address claim (opens in a new tab) is not supported at this time.

Custom claims

Any other claim from the Credential can be mapped. The OpenID Connect recommendation is to name-space custom claims so as to avoid any collision with standard claims, current or future.

As only (opens in a new tab) is currently supported as a data vocabulary, name-spacing with this domain is logical, alternatively any unique value like your host domain is valid.

The jsonLdFqn value must be an exact match for a fully-expanded JSON-LD Subject claim in the Credential, otherwise it will be ignored during credential issue.

"claimMappings": [
        "jsonLdFqn": "",
        "oidcClaim": ""