JSON credentials

JSON Credentials are based on the W3C Verifiable Credential (VC) data model for expressing cryptographically secure digital credentials on the web. VC provide a data sharing model where signed and linked data can be used to establish trust across contexts.

The following sections will provide you with further information on JSON Credentials:

  • Core capabilities: Learn more about the core capabilities enabled when using the JSON credential format.
  • Data structure: See an example of a signed JSON credential and learn about its different components.
  • Web semantics: Learn more about the JSON Linked Data (JSON-LD) data syntax and why we chose it for our implementation of the VC data model.
  • Tamper proofing: Learn more about how referenced contexts can affect tamper proofing JSON credentials.
  • Selective disclosure: Learn more about how JSON credentials implement this privacy preserving feature.
  • Revocation: Learn more about the concepts and data structures which enable revoking JSON credentials in a privacy preserving manner.
  • DIDs: Learn more about Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) that are used as digital identifiers for issuing, holding and verifying JSON credentials.
  • JSON credentials across MATTR Platforms: Introduces key capabilities that are available across MATTR platforms when you embed JSON credentials into your ecosystem.