Sign a Semantic CWT credential
Returns a signed Semantic CWT credential generated from a provided valid payload.
Analytic events
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Semantic CWT credential payload to sign
Semantic CWT credential signed
Bad Request. The request was malformed or missing required parameters.
- Payload
- curl
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Python
- C#
- Java
{- "payload": {
- "iss": "",
- "nbf": 1645743759,
- "exp": 1645743759,
- "iat": 1645743759,
- "aud": "...",
- "sub": "...",
- "vc": {
- "type": "AlumniCredential",
- "credentialSubject": {
- "property1": "...",
- "property2": "..."
}, - "revocable": false,
- "isRevoked": false
- 200
- 400
{- "id": "string",
- "encoded": "CSS:/1/BASE_32_ENCODED_PAYLOAD",
- "decoded": {
- "iss": "",
- "jti": "...",
- "nbf": 1645743759,
- "exp": 1645743759,
- "iat": 1645743759,
- "aud": "...",
- "sub": "...",
- "vc": {
- "type": [
- "VerifiableCredential",
- "AlumniCredential"
], - "credentialSubject": {
- "property1": "...",
- "property2": "..."
}, - "status": {
- "url": "...",
- "index": 123
Format a Semantic CWT credential as a QR code
Returns a QR code representation of a Semantic CWT credential from a provided encoded string representation of that credential.
Analytic events
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
QR code generated
Bad Request
- Payload
- curl
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Python
- C#
- Java
- "width": 250
- 400
{- "code": "BadRequest",
- "message": "Validation Error",
- "details": [
- {
- "value": "1",
- "msg": "must be a string",
- "param": "payload",
- "location": "body"
Format a CWT credential as a PDF
Returns a PDF representation of a provided CWT credential based on an existing PDF template.
The request will fail if the provided credential isn't valid or has expired.
Analytic events
PDF created
Bad Request. The request was malformed or missing required parameters.
Not Found. The specified resource was not found.
- Payload
- curl
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Python
- C#
- Java
{- "templateId": "4eea7654-d4c5-4eba-bd7a-5ca334d54725",
- "payload": "{payload}"
- 400
- 404
{- "code": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "value": "string",
- "msg": "Invalid value",
- "param": "id",
- "location": "body"
Format a Semantic CWT credential as an Apple Pass
Returns an Apple Pass representation of a provided Semantic CWT credential based on an existing Apple Pass template.
The request will fail if the provided credential isn't valid or has expired.
Analytic events
Apple Pass created
Bad Request. The request was malformed or missing required parameters.
- Payload
- curl
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Python
- C#
- Java
{- "templateId": "3812166c-ac9f-4e4e-96dd-c1336b5be378",
- "payload": "{payload}"
- 400
{- "code": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "value": "string",
- "msg": "Invalid value",
- "param": "id",
- "location": "body"
Format a Semantic CWT credential as a Google Pass
Returns a Google Pass representation of a provided CWT credential based on an existing Google Pass template.
The request will fail if the provided credential isn't valid or has expired.
Analytic events
Google Pass created
Bad Request. The request was malformed or missing required parameters.
- Payload
- curl
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Python
- C#
- Java
{- "templateId": "3812166c-ac9f-4e4e-96dd-c1336b5be378",
- "payload": "{payload}"
- 200
- 400