Create a participant

Participants are entities within an Enhanced Ecosystem that can be issuers and/or verifiers, as one participant can assume both roles. Participants might be government agencies, insurance companies, banks, universities and so on.

This does not mean that other entities cannot issue and verify credentials in the ecosystem - that is up to the customer business logic to determine. It only means that these are the only issuers and/or verifiers that are considered valid in the ecosystem (Level 2 trust).


Make the following request to create a new participant:

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1POST https://YOUR_TENANT_URL/v1/ecosystems/{ecosystemId}/participants
  • ecosystemId: Participants must be created within a specific ecosystem. Use the ecosystem unique id obtained when you created the ecosystem.

Copy to clipboard.
2  "name": "My Participant",
3  "identifiers": {
4    "web-semantic": "",
5    "compact-semantic": "",
6    "compact": "",
7    "mobile": [
9    ]
10  },
11  "isIssuer": false,
12  "isVerifier": false,
13  "isIssuerConstrained": true,
14  "isVerifierConstrained": true 
  • name: Enter a unique name for your participant.

  • identifiers: Define the unique identifier that will be used by this participant to issue and/or verify credentials. Participants can have different identifiers for different credential profiles. Each participant must have at least one defined credential profile, and for each credential profile a participant can define exactly one unique identifier.

    • Credentials are only valid in the ecosystem if they include an identifier of an issuer that is a participant in the ecosystem.

    • Verification requests are only valid in the ecosystem if they include an identifier of a verifier that is a participant in the ecosystem.

    • For Mobile Credentials this must be a the PEM of a valid IACA that will be used by this participant to sign Mobile Credentials. IACAs with a notBefore date in the future are considered valid in this context.

  • isIssuer: Indicates whether the participant is an issuer in the ecosystem (true) or not (false). When set to false, the participant will not be able to issue any valid credential types, even if it is added to an issuer policy. The default value is false, as this assigns the least privileges to the new participant.

  • isVerifier: Indicates whether the created participant is a verifier in the ecosystem (true) or not (false). When set to false, the participant will not be able to verify any valid credential types, even if it is added to a verifier policy. The default value is false, as this assigns the least privileges to the new participant.

  • isIssuerConstrained: Indicates whether the created participant is constrained to only issue specific types of valid credentials (true) or not (false). When set to false, the issuer can issue all valid credential types defined within the ecosystem, even if it is added to a more limited issuer policy. The default value is true, as this assigns the least privileges to the new participant.

  • isVerifierConstrained: Indicates whether the created participant is constrained to only verify specific types of valid credentials (true) or not (false). When set to false, the verifier can verify all valid credential types defined within the ecosystem, even if it is added to a more limited verifier policy. The default value is true, as this assigns the least privileges to the new participant.


Copy to clipboard.
2  "id": "a24e391a-c27f-4b6e-9805-1ee7e03f3c58",
3  "ecosystemId": "87880d7e-a4d0-462e-8383-3f1e5e16865d",
4//... rest of your particpant information
  • id: Unique identifier for the new participant. This identifier is used when creating policies.

  • ecosystemId: Unique identifier for the ecosystem this participant was created in.

What's Next?

After creating participants, the next step is to create credential types that are valid within the ecosystem.