Credential registry

Your MATTR VII tenant maintains a credential registry that can be used to hold credentials, look-up issued credentials and view their content.

Credential registries are not currently supported for Compact Credentials.

The credential registry can hold either the complete credential, or just its metadata. This is determined by the persist setting configured when you create a Web credential.

Credentials by nature tend to hold Personally Identifying Information (PII). Before storing credential data, familiarise yourself with compliance to any PII restrictions that may apply to your use-case.

Querying the registry

Make the following request to retrieve all web credentials from the registry:

Copy to clipboard.
1GET https://YOUR_TENANT_URL/v2/credentials/web-semantic

When the persist flag was set to true when the credential was created, the response contains both the credential and its metadata.

When the persist flag was set to false, the response only contains the metadata:

  • id

  • tag

  • credentialStatus

  • issuanceDate

Querying by tags

You can filter your request to only return credentials that were created with a specific tag (refer to Create a Web Credential for more information).

Copy to clipboard.
1GET https://YOUR_TENANT_URL/v2/credentials/web-semantic?tag=external-identifier

This request will only return credentials that have the external-identifier tag. Note that tags are case sensitive.

Querying by credential types

You can filter your request to only return credentials of a specific type:

Copy to clipboard.
1GET https://YOUR_TENANT_URL/v2/credentials/web-semantic?type=Course

This request will only return credentials with Course type.